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Library Trustees Minutes 14 June 2005
JUNE 14, 2005

Members Present:  Theodore Flynn (Chair), Carl Meier, Nancy Delano, James Mandrell, Lynne
                        Walsh and John Hill
Staff Present:  Elaine Winquist (Director), Nancy Denman (Assistant Director), David
                        Murphy (Assistant Director) and Deborah Killory (Administrative Assistant)
Also Present:   Donna Ryan, Co-President of the Friends of the Duxbury Free Library

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library.

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the May 12, 2005 meeting were presented.  
Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2005 meeting as presented.
                                                                        Vote:   6 – 0 in favor
Chair's Report
        Mr. Flynn reported that Duxbury Free Library, Inc. received a $100,000 donation from Eastern Bank/Plymouth Savings Bank.  The money has been added to the endowment.
Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist reported that the latest   “Cherry Sheet” includes an estimate that the library will receive $16,000 in state aid.  She has received a signed agreement for the Bumpus Gallery for FY07
        The Director told the trustees that as a result of the completion of job descriptions, as required by the union contract, it became clear that five staff members were not classified properly.  Three library assistants were reclassified as associates in May.  It was determined that two department heads should be reclassified as managers.  At the beginning of the FY06 fiscal year, Rose Hickey and Carol Jankowski will be promoted to the management classification in the areas of technical service and circulation respectively.  Ms. Winquist noted the assistance of Ms. Denman, who assists her in the area of personnel, in helping her to establish a staffing structure for the library that makes sense.
        The technical services position that has been re-established for the upcoming fiscal year at 19 hours was discussed.  It was agreed that cutting the hours for this position to 19 was not in the best interest of the library.  The benefits of increasing the hours for this position to 28 were discussed.   
Department Reports
Reports of the Circulation, Reference and Technical Services Department were distributed.  Ms Denman noted that the Children’s department has been preparing for the summer reading program.

Friends Report
        Ms. Ryan reported that the Friends first annual appeal has raised more than $12,000; funds raised for the year totaled $40,000.  The group is preparing for their fall membership drive.  During the summer, the Friends sponsor the Books on the Beach program; support the summer reading programs; and fund the young adult video contest.  The have also made a three year commitment to lease a copy machine for the use of the library staff.  The Friends are planning a major fundraising event at the library in March and would like to serve wine at the event.  The trustees advised Ms. Ryan to apply to the Selectmen for a one- day liquor license.  The trustees thanked the Friends for the great job they are doing for the library.

        Copies of the current Friends Policy, Gift Policy and Patron Record Policy were distributed for annual review.  No amendments to the policies were recommended by the director.  A minor adjustment was made in the organization of the Friends policy.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Mr. Hill, to approve the Friends of the Library Policy as adjusted.
                                                                        Vote:   6 – 0 in favor
Moved by Mr. Mandrell, seconded by Mr. Meier, to accept the Gift Policy as presented.
                                                                        Vote:   6 – 0 in favor
Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Mandrell, to accept the Patron Record as presented.
                                                                        Vote:   6 – 0 in favor

Library Director Evaluations
Mr. Hill reported that the trustees were unanimous in their evaluation of the director as excellent in her position.  Winquist thanked the trustees for their support and for allowing her to do what she needs to do in town to accomplish her job.  Ms. Winquist said that she was excited to have the blueprint provided by the long range plan.  The evaluation will be forwarded to the Town Manager’s office

Long Range Plan
        Mr. Meier submitted the Long Range Plan to the trustees for approval.  The front page distributed to the trustees is a checklist of things required in the plan.  Copies will be distributed to those who participated in the forum and to the selectmen.  Names of the trustees are to be added to the committee list as ex-officio members, with both Mr. Mandrell and Ms. Lougee included.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to approve the Long Range Plan as presented
                                                                        Vote:   6 – 0 in favor
        The trustees were asked to review the plan and return any editorial feedback within the next two weeks.

The meeting schedule was set for the remainder of 2005.  The trustees will meet on the following Thursdays:  July 21, September 15, October 13, November 10 and December 15.  All meetings will be at 7:30 am in the Setter Room.       
Moved, by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 am.
                                                                        Vote:   6 – 0 in favor